Dear colleagues,
It has been almost a month since we gathered in Kathmandu for our Inception and Planning meetings. It was our plan to communicate with delegates within a month to discuss progress and activities.
First of all a big thank you for your participation and engagement. We had approximately 40 delegates attend each of the 3 days. Participation was fantastic and we all valued the chance to share ideas. A lot has been happening since then, including initial visits to many of the potential villages to make final site selection.
Head Agreements have been signed between ACIAR/IWMI/USQ and sub-agreements are being finalised between all parties.
We are currently developing a web site that can be used to communicate with participants and share information. More to come on that. We will be seeking the contact details and head and shoulder photographs of all project participants so we are able to share your information on the web page.
Importantly we are progressing more detailed planning on individual organisations workplans. In this regard we will be seeking from you further detail on your project activities over the next 6 months.
I look forward to further discussions with you soon.