Community engagement for greater participation: UC comes full circle

Community engagement for greater participation UC comes full circle

The farmers of Uttar Chakwakheti  (UC) who are predominantly tribal, will benefit maximally if and only if they fulfil the caste criteria authenticated by the state. Authentication is done through issuing a caste certificate by the government, a process that is sometimes cumbersome especially for the poor tribal communities.  CDHI recently facilitated the granting a certificate at UC. This has been an important step for community confidence building and engagement with government officials that will open doors for project outscaling and expansion of our programs.

The attached document describes the process and the video highlights celebrations at the official ceremony.

Publications & Resources

The power of the Marginal: Local institutions and innovations are the key


Collectivisation, innovation and institutional building are key to empowering marginal communities. There are many paths for this empowerment, which differ across regions and situations. In this regard DSI4MTF is doing some ground breaking work in facilitating change. Some insights are shared by Rajeshwar Mishra and colleagues in the attached from West Bengal,  which will help our cross region learning.

Please follow the link to access the document.

Publications & Resources